How to knit a simple pair of socks at home

Update:14 Sep 2021

Have you always longed to knit a pair of socks at home […]

Have you always longed to knit a pair of socks at home but you're intimidated by knitting around the circular pattern? It can be difficult, especially for beginners, and it can take forever for you to master it. Luckily there is an easy way around that and it's called flat knit socks. You'll basically just knit a flat circular shape into the bottom part of your sock. Once you're done, you'll cut off the excess yarn at the edge of your flat sock and then continue on with your knitting.

Knitting a flat knit socks usually only takes about 30 minutes or so to complete. There are three steps to this, the first is you'll need a pair of standard socks, a set which has a fairly narrow heel. The next step involves cutting off a few inches from the side of the socks and then making a sort of "kicker". This is something that resembles a hook, but instead of going through the loops on the edge of the sock to hook the bottom of it, you'll use a rubber band.

After you've made your kicker, you will then need to make a seam. This can be done with some simple seam rippers, or if you're more comfortable with sewing, you can always purchase a pre-seam pillow. Once you've completed the seam, you should then make a pillow out of your doubled up knit fabric. This pillow will help keep your flat knit socks from bunching up, and it will also help them stay together for a longer period of time.

One of the most important things when learning how to knit flat knit socks is knowing how to handle your flat knit needles. If you have straight needles, you will simply begin knitting normally. If you have curved needles, the process will be a bit different. The actual process for handling the flat knit wool itself is similar no matter what kind of needles you have. You simply start off with the center of the knitting needle and make a loop by wrapping the yarn around the bar.

After you've created your loop, you will then begin working on the sides. When working on the backside, just simply continue making the same loop. Once the backside is complete, you will then create a second loop by wrapping the yarn again around the bar. You will then begin stitching with the second needle, but this time going back down the line of the original looped stitch. This second loop will help the socks maintain their shape. It also helps them sit flat.

While this may sound complicated, it really isn't. With a little bit of practice, you will be able to knit these socks in no time at all. If you want a more detailed method, you can also try checking out some online knitting sites and videos for instructions on knitting a pair of simple socks. As long as you take the time to learn to knit, there is no reason why you cannot knit some very good whims easy flat knit socks. Just try to stay focused and enjoy the process!

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